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Digestive Disorders

“The road to health goes through a good digestive system”, they say.  That’s why it is most important to keep our digestive system active and healthy. We cannot afford to ignore these disorders.  These disorders involve different types of health issues like mouth ulcer, loss of appetite, loss of taste or ageusia, constant burping, acidity, vomiting, heartburn, stomach inflammation, gas trouble in digestive tract, bloating, stomach-ache, constipation, IBS, colitis, GERD, ulcer, ulcerative colitis, piles trouble, fissures, fistula and so on.  Many such disorders are an upshot of wrong lifestyle and wrong/unhealthy diet, we see many people roughly of the same age that of ours, relishing on oily, spicy food like samosas, vada-paav, chillies etc. yet they don’t suffer from any such trouble. And therefore, the question arises, “Why me?”

Advanced “panchabhoutik chikitsa” deals with the principal process of digestion, “Eat – digest – Utilize & discharge”.  Imagine that our stomach is a kind of factory where the raw material like milk and rice etc. are absorbed, partially turns into the blood and partially turns into excreta.  For smooth functioning and appropriate processing of the raw material, (i.e., food) of this supposed factory, certain digestive elements and juices (such as saliva, gastric juices, bile from liver) are secreted.  So, the advanced panchabhoutik chikitsa investigates why this production process or system of any individual has damaged.  This is investigated through the naadiparikshaudarpariksha, naadparikshaprashnapariksha and mind – body constitution of an individual as per his date of birth.  This facilitates thorough investigation and accordingly the treatment plan is designed in order to eliminate the disease totally.  Instead of putting certain restrictions on food or disallowing gluten/lactose etc. Ayurveda insists on strengthening the entire digestive system so that anything that we eat, can be digested properly and the digestive disorders will be completely cured.

Well, there could be many reasons.  For a certain patient it may be because of “adhva” meaning relentless journey, for the other it could be due to inappropriate diet, whereas someone else could suffer because of irregular and wrong lifestyle.  Some patients on the other hand, could be the victims of stress induced acidity.  In short there are multiple reasons.  All these reasons are thoroughly investigated through different types of chikitsas, as mentioned above, to diagnose how they are affecting functioning of system and secretion of various digestive juices.  Accordingly, appropriate ayurvedic medicines, small detox process to be done at home etc. are suggested.  Patients are also suggested to have light food consumption at regular intervals, say every two hours.  They are also advised to drink the medicated water and perform exercises like Suryanamaskars etc.  In our residential camp, we observe the progress of an individual for about two days to seven days and perform required panchakarmas to cure the digestive disorders completely.

A journey towards a healthy life

  • We request you to use the following link https://zfrmz.in/7CEw4VxfyVorW6Mt2Dn7 and upload the necessary pathological reports and send the same to us.

  • We will study the same and our doctors will accord you an appointment for direct clinical check-up according to your genetic characteristics, as prescribed in the Ayurveda scriptures or share you the necessary information telephonically about your health characteristics and counsel you for proper medication and lifestyle.

  • After direct check-ups or telephonic counseling the patients will be advised about medication, diet plan, and some household measures about basic panchakarma.

  • Booking is accepted for residential panchakarma treatment at Prakruti Ayurvedic Health Resort, after 8 days of medication.  After attending the residential panchakarma regimen the patients are advised about proper Ayurvedic medication and its dosage for the next 6 to 9 months.  Patients are also advised about the correct diet plan, DOs & DON’Ts, etc. Stay at Prakruti for a residential panchakarma camp varies from 2 days to 21 days, depending upon the nature & intensity of the disorder.

Salient features of Residential Panchakarma camp

– Treatment for every patient is exclusively designed and individualized after a thorough study of his or her birth month and season in which he or she was born.  Accordingly, his genetic attributes/body constitution are studied. 
– Similarly, other aspects such as the profession or occupation of the patient, his lifestyle, the root cause of the disorder, time span and intensity of health issue, etc. are taken into consideration.    Accordingly, every day 13 – 15 panchakarma treatments are rendered and complete training is imparted to perform yoga, pranayama, and meditation on regular basis.  The consulting doctors also suggest a proper diet plan and an ideal lifestyle.

Considering the type of digestive disorder, its intensity and chronic nature we recommend the tenure of residential panchakarma treatment.  In a normal course following panchakarmas are performed.

6.00 am: Niruha-basti treatment for complete cleansing of blocked waste and excrement from the intestines and subsequent colon cleansing through a medicated enema or ‘anuvasan-basti’ in order to work on problems like ‘pebble poop’, piles, fissure, fistula etc.  The basti treatment for such problems involves internal oiling to the large intestine.  

6.30 – 7.00 am:   Secretion of different digestive juices needs to start from the mouth.  For this purpose, treatments like gandusha, anjan, dhoomapaan, and mukhalep are given.  According to medical science 65% of digestion depends on the saliva.  Since there are so many different diseases termed under “digestive disorders”, we administer various panchakarmas to work on different parts of digestive system, i.e., right from mouth to rectum.  For example, if a patient is suffering from gastritis, he will be treated with mruduanuloman (virechana) process, whereas a patient having ulcerative colitis shall be given the ‘picchaabasti’ and in case of piles, fissure or fistula the patient shall be given the ‘avamaahswed’.  

Like the above routine a total of 13-15 panchakarma treatments are done as per the vedic dinacharya (routine) from 6:00 AM in the morning to 10:00 PM at night.

In short, the treatments are individualized and customized according to the nature of the digestive disorder of every individual and they are cured completely.